Some of our Media mentions

British Dental Journal

May 2018

'A Titan amongst tongue cleansers'

We are proud to be featured again in the medical journal of the British Dental Association.

"Having designed and made tongue scrapers for 25 years, AMANO is keenly aware that the key to 'effectiveness' is not just about how 'sharp' the scraper is.

On the contrary, an overly 'sharp' scraper will actually put most people off the routine, whereas a 'comfortable' scraper will mean the user is more relaxed about using a tongue scraper with conviction" 

See the full article here:


British Dental Journal

December 2017

Tongue scraping 'will help fight the ageing process'

The most comprehensive article to date on the background and extensive benefits of tongue scraping

"Regular tongue scraping with the AMANO Tongue Cleanser can help 'good' oral bacteria to flourish in the mouth, while also helping to reduce dental caries and bad breath, enhancing taste, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease"

The article goes onto explain the link between 'good' oral bacteria, nitric oxide production and stem cell efficacy

"Stem cells' role is to heal the ageing body, helping to regenerate damaged or old cells"

See the full article here:

British Dental Journal

June 2014

“The AMANO Tongue Cleanser not only reduces the source of bad breath and caries. But also unclogs the taste buds so food will taste better


Time Out

June 2014

“Another well priced if offensive gift”

(for Fathers Day)