One consequence of our COVID19 World is tighter household budgets and thus the need to try and cut out needless costs and make less frivolous purchases.
It got me wondering, with gift season upon us - why should someone pay between £10 and £48 for our AMANO™ Tongue Cleansers* - when it is clear a short search on Ebay can reveal dozens of plastic and metal tongue scrapers of all shapes and sizes, at a fraction of the cost?
* Yes, that's what our business does - manufacture and sell a range of designer tongue scrapers ...
We can happily wax lyrical about the Italian design and craftsmanship of our AMANO range and all the snazzy designs - that look great on any bathroom shelve.
But people are now understandably very conscious about getting 'value for money'. They don't necessarily want to pay for the frills ... if they think they can get the same product delivery - for much less.
Thinking about it, I suppose AMANO's 'value for money' credentials centres around 3 simple themes:
1. Dental Profession Hygiene Quality
2. Design Effectiveness
3. and Durability
1. Dental Profession Hygiene Quality
We are not talking about a disposable Primark T-shirt ...
Here today and torn and out of shape tomorrow! I have 2 teenage daughters I know of what I speak ;)
No, we are talking about an oral care instrument that will be placed on your tongue repeatedly over the years. Carefully scraping off the trapped food and bacterial debris (also know as 'gunge') which, if ignored, will lead to bad breath, plaque and dental decay.
The materials and process used to make the tongue scraper therefore needs to be totally safe, hygienic and well crafted.
No sharp edges, No risk of sudden breakage - Plus the ability to deep clean.
Our AMANO range is made of European Austenitic Steel, to EU standards of safety - in Italy (which makes them dishwasher safe).
That's why we have featured in The British Dental Journal half a dozen times ...
We can't vouch for our cheaper competition from East Asia!
2. Design Effectiveness
We have been selling AMANO Tongue Scrapers since 1992. We know what designs work and (importantly) what doesn't.
It's not just about removing the gunge on your tongue.
It's also about doing so without You the Customer getting an off-putting 'gag affect'.
Let's face it, any risk of a 'gag-effect' and you will first stop scraping the back of the tongue, where the debris lurks.
That immediately reduces effectiveness.
Whereupon you will then find the experience increasingly unsatisfying and give up entirely.
Now that is my idea of a total waste of money!
Our precise 2-handle design and heavy scraper solves the problem - with little or no
By the way, research from The Centre for Dentistry, University of Groningen showed that; "Comfort and effectiveness were positively correlated" when it came to tongue scraper designs people preferred. Our many happy Customers can be seen here on our Endorsements section.
All this means that you can take as little as 10 seconds, which is 3-4 strokes of the tongue, to complete your routine. That's what we call effective!
3. Durability
Please excuse us a little boast at this point.
We have customers who are using the very same AMANO they bought in the early 1990s. That's over 25 years of use.
(Our quarter century Customers can be seen in our Endorsements section).
Cheap scrapers purchased on Ebay do not come with a guarantee of One year. Because not many will last one Year!
Our AMANOs are built to last for Years, and that means 'value for money'!
All in all AMANO's 'value for money' credentials equates to the time honoured notion of 'brand quality'. Patek Philippe the quality Swiss Watchmaker uses a strapline;
"You never actually own a Patek Philippe. You merely look after it for the next generation".
We think we could say the same about our quality, long lasting AMANO Tongue Cleansers ...
Here's a thought, if you find the health and wellbeing benefits of a 10 second tongue scrape compelling (see here for more details of the medical benefits), but are slightly nervous of expending £10 on an AMANO, why not try a cheap 2-handle version from Ebay first?
If you find the routine of value, when your cheap scraper snaps, perishes or discolours, please come back to us.
Use this discount code for 20% off your 1st AMANO: YouWereRight20%
Hope you visit our SHOP very soon :)
And finally, this is how easy and quick it is to use an AMANO (we prefer holding a handle in each hand ... but each to their own)